You know that thing you keep telling yourself…
That you’re not good enough
That you don’t have what it takes
That you’re “too quiet”, “too much” or “too all over the place”
That you don’t fit in That you’re not worthy
That you’re not clever enough
That you’re not as good as everyone else
That you’re not lovable
Let’s take these conditioned limitations away for a minute and follow heart and soul’s calling for love and freedom
Because you are so much more…
You are more than capable
You have all you need and all the resourcefulness to succeed
You are exactly who you came here to be, growing and evolving into even more awesomeness!
You fit in with your peeps, your soul tribe – go find them
You are worth the whole universe and more
You have so much wisdom inside you, don’t ever doubt that
You are as good as yourself – that’s the key. The world needs YOUR kind of magic.
You are very much loved – by so many people, I am sending you love right now. I love you.
Now that’s the TRUTH
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Do you ever feel like you’re holding yourself back? That you could be doing more, if you could just find a way of overcoming self doubt and fear?
Believe it or not, you’re not alone.
Everyone has experienced self doubt and limiting beliefs at some point in their lives and it can be incredibly frustrating, keeping you from reaching your full potential, if you let it.
In this article, we will discuss how to clear and release self doubt and limiting beliefs, with tips for moving forward despite these feelings.
First of all, it’s important to know how our minds work. You’ve heard of the conscious and subconscious mind, but how do they differ?
Our conscious mind is the logical, rational, critical decision making part of our brain that processes information in a linear way. It’s responsible for things like language, critical thinking, and decision making.
On the other hand, our subconscious mind is much more powerful as we use it the most. Our beliefs and habits reside here. It’s responsible for things like emotions, memories, and instincts.
It’s important to understand the difference between these two parts of our brain because they can often conflict with each other!
Let’s say you want to start your own business for example – your conscious mind might be full of doubts about whether you’ve got what it takes, if you can make it work, should you even try? 🠚 What if you FAIL? (*gasp!)
Whereas your subconscious mind might be cheering you on in excitement of the potential to change your life, make a difference, or work from home! Knowing that you’re fully capable of achieving your goals! (come on, let’s do this!)
We are naturally hard wired for comfort in our nervous system, yet our inner spirit, our soul is hardwired for growth.
Hence the term ‘comfort zone’, but to allow our true potential to flourish – to follow our life purpose, we need to step out of that comfort zone.
This clip from Peter Sage’s TEDx Talk explains brilliantly about self doubt and how the subconscious influences us unknowingly. Check it out here
Overcoming Self Doubt and Limiting Beliefs
Self doubt is very normal, but if it’s shouting too loud and keeping you well and truly stuck, then it’s time to master your mindset.
If you’re hesitant, procrastinating overthinking or overanalyzing, you may benefit from Mel Robbins 5 second rule to kick start you into action, before your thinking mind talks you out of it! Make your decision within 5 seconds! Take action now!
I also recommend signing up to her free online Mindset Reset programme. if you’re spending too much time thinking about what you’d like to do and not enough time actually doing it (hands up who’s been there!)
Don’t overthink it. Just do it!
One of the first steps to clearing and releasing self doubt and limiting beliefs is to become aware of them. This can be difficult at first, because these feelings often operate on a subconscious level.
Notice what negative thoughts are holding you back the most, what crops up frequently? Pay attention to your thoughts and emotions throughout the day.
If you notice yourself feeling anxious or stressed, ask yourself what you’re really worried about?
Once you become aware of your doubts and limiting beliefs, you can begin to address them. One way to do that is to question them – why do you feel like you can’t do something? Is there any evidence to support this belief?
Often, when examining your doubts closely, you realize that they are unfounded.
Be willing to question your doubts and give yourself a chance to succeed.
Maybe you have been told before that you’re not good enough, or have had a bad experience, or “failure” in the past (and mind likes to prevent those feelings or situations from occurring again.)
But just because something didn’t work out in the past doesn’t mean it never will. You can’t keep listening to mind’s old news!
Another way to clear and release self doubt and limiting beliefs is to practice affirmations.
Affirmations are positive statements that you repeat to yourself, either out loud or in your head, to fill yourself up with more positive, empowering beliefs. For example you might say:
- “I can do anything I set my mind to”
- “I am open and ready to recieve abundance in all areas of my life”
- “I am willing to step out of my comfort zone now.”
Repeating these statements can help to change your mindset. We actually need a lot more positives to counteract just one negative thought, so go all out!
When you catch your mind raising concerns, bombard it with oodles of love, acceptance and the willingness to “try anyway!!”
Repeat, repeat, repeat – daily!
Finally, remember that many people struggle with self doubt and limiting beliefs and as frustrating as it can be, it just shows how much you care.
There is hope, by becoming aware of your doubts and working to overcome them, you can move forward and achieve your goals.
So don’t give up.
Even the most successful people have some degree of self doubt. They have just learnt and practiced to master their mindset —> you can (and will) too.
No matter how many times you fall, flip, go round in circles, reverse, start again or even seemingly stampede your way straight to success, it’s all about learning as you take action! So go ahead and take action today.
Do you have any tips for clearing and releasing self doubt and limiting beliefs? Please share them in the comments below!